The Cryton Chronicles

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I had a blast last year doing the A to Z Challenge on Generation Jak! I had decided on focusing on a single game — The Division — highlighting various aspects of it. One of my favorite parts was playing the game and taking my own personal screenshots to use in my posts.

For 2017, however, I plan to go in a different direction. Generation Jak is chock full of movie content (mostly Trailer Tuesday material) and a decent amount of gaming content, but there are two major categories it's been lacking since its inception — Books and Music. I still want to prioritize these entertainment mediums and felt this would be the perfect opportunity to do so!

Eventually I settled on music. So I present to you Generation Jak's A to Z 2017 Theme:

Jak's Jukebox

Throughout the month of April I will be sharing with you some of the music I jam to from the wide variety of bands I love. I debated long and hard about whether each entry will be a band name or song title, each offering its own pros and cons, but I believe bands won (subject to change).

While I may have to struggle with a daily battle of the bands, as multiple artists share a common letter slot, I'll at least be able to share more than one song from each if wanting.

Fair warning, I'm not really down with much Country or Polka... Very sorry to disappoint. But better you know now, rather than being devastated at the end!

I look forward to sharing my musical tastes with you and hope you decide to sing along!

Music not your thing? No big deal, no judgement here (okay, maybe a little). I'm doing the A to Z Challenge 2017 on all of my blogs featured here at The Cryton Chronicles! Perhaps you will find something of interest among them:

I, Jak Theme Reveal
Dreams in the Shade of Ink Theme Reveal
Meta MTG Theme Reveal

Are you participating in the 2017 A to Z Challenge? If so, are you following a specific theme? Are you a music lover? What bands or style of music are you hoping I share during the challenge? Which music genres/styles do you love? Hate?