A to Z 2016 : EXTRA LIFE
Extra Life is an annual fundraising event that I've participated in for the past two years. While you can collect donations throughout the entire year, a large focus is on a 24 Hour Gaming Marathon (Extra Life Game Day) taking place every Fall. It always spans a weekend, officially 8am Sat to 8am Sunday, but they allow for individuals to make whatever schedule works best for them. There are no solid rules, mostly guidelines. It works on an honor system, but the goal is playing games (any kind suffices: video/card/board/mobile/etc) for a span of 24 hours, attempting to raise money for children. All proceeds go in support of Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals).
Play Games. Heal Kids.
My Profile is active and ready to rock! I'm attempting to get the ball rolling even earlier this year, hoping to meet an even larger donation goal than the previous two years combined. Here is the information for the official Game Day:
Extra Life Profile: Jak Cryton
Extra Life Game Day 2016: Nov 5th
Time: 12am Midnight (11/5) to 12am Midnight (11/6)
Donation Goal: $400
Playing In Support of: Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare
On my profile I have even more information listed, including which games I will be attempting to play during this year's official marathon. I've also hosted my own private 24 hour gaming marathons as well and it's likely I'll be doing that again this year.
I'd love for you to follow along and help spread the word. Any support and encouragement is much appreciated, whether liking/sharing posts made about the fundraiser, participating in the marathon(s) with me, and/or making donations in support of the cause!
Do you participate in Extra Life? If so, what have your experiences been like? If not, does it sound like an event you would want to partake in? What games would you play during a 24 hour gaming marathon? Do you have a favorite charity you donate to?