So the… Frist... Birthday (and 50th non-Renegade post) celebration is over (at least for some, I’m still making rounds), and it’s back to business as usual. That’s not entirely true. Most participants of the TToT blog hop are always active and keeping up on the community front amongst one another. Party time 24/7. As long as there is cake, and the chance (regardless of how slim) that going pantless is acceptable, I’m game!

Short and quick this week. I still have a ton of catching up to do.

  1. I’m Thankful that the 10 Things of Thankful blog hop is still going strong after a full year! Not only that, but it seems to be getting bigger, with more participants each weekend. There has always been an ebb and flow, like everything else, but the core has always been strong.
  2. Getting a lot of building work done. A few weeks ago I mentioned some new flooring being put in the entryways, and how I felt those contracted for the work should be responsible for their clean up. Apparently they disagreed. The original founding company would have likely raised hell over this, but the new outfit seems to just shrug its shoulders.
  3. Talking about moving arrangements/plans with the Ladyfolk. At the end of July she should be fully moved in. It’s both exciting and scary at the same time. Not so much the living together, as we basically already do, but the space confinements. My apartment is pretty small compared to most I’ve rented in the past. Hopefully we can make do until finding somewhere more spacious.
  4. Telling a car dealership to take a flying fuck. Maybe not so bluntly. The Ladyfolk had made an appointment for her car to be looked at (last week it had rolled backwards into an intersection while in park), and we brought it in five hours early, since we knew they wanted time to recreate the scenario. Ten minutes after the appointment time, they called to say they weren’t able to do so without ramps for an incline (though, we stated there wasn’t much of an incline to begin with) and that they would have to keep the car overnight. That was an inconvenience to say the least.We decided to scout out the dealership and we found her car in the lot, no work had been done (including a diagnostics check) the entire time they had it. My favorite part was the fact that they had her car parked in their lot, surrounded by all their new vehicles, without the parking break on (something they themselves highly recommended or safety reasons, just in case). We figured if they didn’t find it to be that serious of an issue, she could save herself the copious expense of their diagnostics and “work” they eventually would do, if at all. She decided to just take it, rather than going through the hassle of borrowing a car and waiting to hear back from the tech who knew the details of the situation (who conveniently wasn’t in the next day). Time to shop around elsewhere.
  5. I’m Thankful for both of our families being very understanding and helpful throughout the entire process mentioned above.
  6. Finding a new, highly addictive game to replace Candy Crush (at the end of the road for now, waiting for them to develop new levels). Said game is Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign. It’s on multiple platforms, but I play it on my smart phone. I already loved Puzzle Quest, which is essentially like Bejeweled (and where Candy Crush likely originated from), but with various elements implemented. The original Puzzle Quest that I played (play) is fantasy/adventure themed. When matching 3+ colored gems together, though, some crazy things happen. You have spells, triggered abilities, items you can equip, etc etc. It’s a ton of Fun! Marvel Puzzle Quest is like that except based on characters from the Marvel comic universes. How cool is that?! There is a wide variety of characters you can eventually unlock, hosted events, and it’s safe to say I’m addicted!
  7. I’m Thankful that the Ladyfolk is also into the game!
  8. And also my brothers. The trade off being I check out some of the app games they’ve been playing too.
  9. The Ladyfolk and I went in together on a new electronics purchase. It’s basically a digital drawing pad. I’ve been eyeing them over a year. Now, to actually put it to use and not just as a dust collector like my microphone and webcam…
  10. Today we celebrated the Ladyfolk’s mini-me’s birthday at Chuck E. Cheese! It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast. It was weird that the establishment hosts shared events for multiple birthday parties at once, but I suppose that just streamlines it for the sake of simplicity, rather than doing it over and over again for specific groups. She enjoyed all of her presents and can’t wait until the next upcoming birthday party! I love gift shopping!

Feel free to leave your Thankful List in the comments below, if you aren’t participating directly with the blog hop! Have you ever been screwed over by a car dealership or an auto shop? Do you have a favorite smartphone game app? If so, which? Have you ever been to a Chuck E. Cheese?