A to Z 2015 : NO THANKS!

This next entry is a card game that I played for the first time this Winter. It is both a Gateway and Filler game. I think it's listed play time is 20 min, and that is pretty accurate even with first-timers. It's really simple to teach and to learn.

Let's take a quick look at a game where you collect cards or pass on them declaring...

No Thanks! is a quick game consisting of collecting or passing cards. It consists of merely a deck of cards and chips.

Each player begins with 11 chips. A first player is decided and that individual shuffles the deck and counts out 24 cards face-down and those cards become the deck placed in the center of everyone. The remaining cards are removed from the game without anyone being able to know what they are.

The top card is flipped over and placed next to the deck. The Starting Player then has to decide if they want to take the card or pass. If passing, they places one of their chips next to the card and the next player makes the same choice. This continues, each player placing down a chip if they decide to pass, until finally someone decides (or has no choice) to take the card. When a player takes a card (keeping it face up in front of them) they also gain all of the chips spent to pass on it during that round.

NOTE: The more chips you end the game with the better! So sometimes while a card may seem too high in value (explained below), it may be worthwhile taking if there is a good stockpile of chips to go along with it.

That player then reveals the top card of the deck and begins the next round of deciding to take or pass on the card.

Each card a player takes is worth points equal to it's listed number. So the 10 card if worth 10 points. You can build a sequence of cards (like say, cards 7, 8, 9) and the value of points are only equal to the shown number of the smallest card of the made sequence (so 7 in that example).

At the end of the game, the cards (or lowest card of their sequences) they have face up in front of them are added up and that is your point total. Each chip you've collected throughout the game, however, counts as a -1 point bonus that is applied. So your chip count is subtracted from your added card value to give you your final point total.

NOTE: While creating sequences is important, don't press your luck too far. Some players may take a needed card from you just to stop you from linking two separate card to create a sequence, or the cards needed may be ones removed at the start of the game!

The game ends as soon as the last card of the deck is eventually taken by a player. The scores are then tallied up and the lowest score wins!

Full Review Forthcoming

Have you played No Thanks! before? If so, did you enjoy it? Do you think it's a game you think your playgroup would enjoy?