Jumbo Playing Cards? One of my 2016 Highlights?! Seriously?!? Well, I know it seems like a cop out, but it's connected to another annual event that I'm always looking forward to (and I already had a "G" topic): my grandma's birthday! It's coming up later this month. This year she'll be turning 86, so it's not exactly a "5" or "0", but it's still a big deal!

My grandmother has been having health concerns, her aging body just isn't able to keep up with her young mind. Her hearing and eyesight are both deteriorating and sometimes it can be hard to remain optimistic when you reach a point of being unable to go out and enjoying all the things you once used to. Despite this, she will always be the first to try to raise your spirits if feeling down. She has always been pretty selfless in that way.  Suffice it to say, she's like my second mother and I love her to death, cherishing the moments I get to share with her.

My grandma is a huge card game player (500, 500 Rummy — there's a difference, I eventually learned — and many more) and would regularly attend Card Club and/or substitute for someone. We would also play a lot on the weekends as a family, the biggest games being Oh Hell, Golf, Horse Caller and 31 (the last being one my girlfriend's family actually plays a lot, albeit slightly different). Oh, and she prefers when it involves money. She's a little gambler, though never really took to Poker although it may have suited her. We may not play as much as we used to (most of our weekly visits comprise of chit chat and catching up on our TV shows), but she is still really passionate about the hobby.

For her birthday, in years past, we have gotten her a variety of fun, random gifts, like her favorite snacks (Twinkies, Ho-Hos, Hostess Cupcakes) in mass quantities. She's always really enjoyed those kinds of gifts, so I had hoped to find another that was amusing and maybe even practical. While I (or the girlfriend, I don't remember) was perusing Amazon, this deck of jumbo cards (5x7) were discovered. They aren't even the biggest size you can get, but should do the trick. My grandma has a great sense of humor and we think she will find them hilarious. Not only that, but maybe even playable! We bought two decks just in case!

Are you close with your grandmother? Do you and/or your family play cards? If so, what are some of your favorite card games?