Bee Gees


It’s Tuesday and the music themed blog hop is still underway, but I’m sailing under the radar for another week. I’m not very familiar with much music from before my time. Having to pretend I existed during those periods would actually be a lot of fun — sure I could make stuff up — but I will just make myself believe that the 70's weren’t as awesome as everyone living them wants you to think.

Therefore it was destined that I would be born seven days into the 80's; the same amount of days it took “God” to create the world*. This includes his much needed day of rest. So while he was kicking back, sipping a martini — shaken, not stirred — I came into the world kicking and screaming.

More Bees?

Not exactly...

While laying low, I ventured out — exploring the blogosphere — during this blog hop and came across Kristi’s post at Finding Ninee. She has quite the vivid memory of her angsty pre-teen years. I won’t spoil the surprise of the topic, but within the post her musical choice was the song Tragedy, by the Bee Gees. This instantly made me remember one of my favorite A Bad Lip Reading videos. So in her honor — okay, maybe this will be more of a disgrace to some; I apologize in advance — I will share my own Bee Gees video for my musical theme. Just like her magical dangling Christmas lights, I will share some “Magic” of my own.

“Magic Man” - A Bad Lip Reading:

Oh My Nuts, I love that video! I could listen to it over and over! There may be something seriously wrong with me. I can’t just share one video, though. I have to get in at least one more, so I will also post my other favorite music video by A Bad Lip Reading.

Those of you familiar with, and a fan of, Michael Bublé may want to cover your eyes... I have to say, though, if the artist gives praise and keeps a good attitude about the video, I have faith you can too ;-)

“Russian Unicorn” - A Bad Lip Reading:

Awww yeah... my evening feels a little more complete! If liking either of these videos I would recommend checking out some of their additional work. They also do movie/political/random clips which can be quite hilarious.

Thanks for stopping by!

*Let me live in my own make-believe universe
**It’s awesome, don’t be jelly
***Asterisks are “in” right now
****Just trust me, my shit is always right sometimes

Did you enjoy any of the videos? Are you already familiar with A Bad Lip Reading? If so, any personal favs from them?