


Dear Mr. Watterson (11/15/13):

Not much to say except that I, like many, am one who fell in love with the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip when growing up. It was one of my favorites, alongside Garfield and The Far Side. I generally would save them for last to end my reading session on a good note, because even though I disliked a handful of comic strips, I couldn’t help but read them. I don’t even know why. This will probably have a limited release, and if I happen to hear of one near me I’d love to go see it.

Frozen (11/27/13):

The new film from Disney comes out this Thanksgiving. It looks pretty good, and I’d imagine children will love it. Magic, a giant moose, a talking snowman, what’s not to love? I like most Disney movies, but it’s been a long while since seeing one in theaters. I watched Tangled when released on Netflix and thought it was really good. The only one I skipped was The Princess and the Frog. That and a majority of sequels, as they haven’t really appealed to me. This one seems to have the makings for all those random holiday special renditions if wanting, or maybe that’s DreamWorks? Either way, this looks pretty good and once it hits RB/NF I’ll definitely watch it.

That Awkward Moment - RED-Band - (1/31/14):

Beware, it’s a Red-Band trailer, so make sure you have your big-boy/girl pants on! Nothing too drastic, though, just some swearing mostly… mostly. Zac Efron has been showing up everywhere. Maybe it’s like a number’s game? Eventually, one of these movies is going to land him some respect outside the Disney Zone? Maybe one already has and I’ve just never seen (or heard about) it. He is in Parkland, a movie I highlighted back in VIII | Trailer Tuesday | VIII, which seems to have come and gone (still interested in seeing it). His newest trailers are for movies of a more raunchy nature I’ve noticed (for example: Neighbors, highlighted in X | Trailer Tuesday | X). Maybe he is attempting a little harder to step outside of the cute, sweet “heartthrob”, though this does seem to be a “heartthrob” type role. Whatever the case, this is definitely not a theater-bound movie for me. Perhaps Netflix.

Non-Stop (2/28/14):

I love me some Liam Neeson, but fair warning, this trailer seems spoiler-heavy and in chronological order. I really hate when they do that. Hopefully I’m wrong, but maybe I won’t care? It’s Liam-fucken-Neeson! Sure, I haven’t seen Taken 2 — a bit… gun-shy... on how it would be — but I loved him recently in The Grey and just about every other movie he’s been in. He has great screen presence. I could listen to his voice all night long. George Clooney might start getting jealous. So, Liam Neeson on a plane, taking down bad guys, in a psychological action-thriller? Don’t mind if I do… don’t mind if I do. Just wish the trailer didn’t seem so spoiler-ridden.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (3/7/14):

As I love Liam Neeson’s acting, I love Wes Anderson’s writing/directing. I feel dirty for having not seen Moonrise Kingdom yet and it’s something I really should remedy. This movie looks just as good as many of his past films: Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I noticed Wes Anderson, like some directors do, prefers to use the same actors in his films. Most notably — to me — Bill Murray, which I find awesome. You’ll find that many of the other actors are also featured in his past movies too, though. I’m excited for The Grand Budapest Hotel and really hope to see it once it’s released in theaters!

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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (10/22/13):

I thought I would feature a trailer — with a special bonus Stan Lee voice-over — for a game released today. I’ve been a long time lover of LEGO, so when I was first introduced to the LEGO game series I was pretty ecstatic. I’ve played a good majority of the LEGO games, and while I haven’t unlocked all the achievements (XBox) and/or in-game material, I’ve enjoyed playing every one of them. It’s been a year since playing any, however, but I’ve bought the newer games over that period when they’ve gone on sale. They usually drop from 60$ to 20$ relatively fast. When I saw LEGO finally got their hands on the Marvel franchise I was psyched! Same goes for TMNT! I love the franchises they produce, most of them playing out the storylines of the movies they represent (with some humorous twists of their own thrown in). Definitely plan to pick this up when it’s on sale or reduced to its 20$ price tag. Now if they could only take Halo away from Mega Bloks…

Did any of the highlighted trailers interest you? Did you ever read Calvin & Hobbes? Any favorite Disney, Liam Neeson, and/or Wes Anderson film? Have you ever played any of the LEGO game franchises?