Letter X

A to Z 2017: THE X-FILES

A to Z 2017: THE X-FILES

This year for the A to Z Challenge 2017 I'm trying something completely different... vlogging! That's right, I'll be putting myself out there on YouTube, talking about who knows what for who knows how long! Come join in the conversation as I talk about a variety of topics throughout April.

Let the rambling begin!

A to Z 2016 : THE X-FILES

A to Z 2016 : THE X-FILES

Welcome to the 2016 A to Z Challenge on I, Jak! This year's theme is 2016 Highlights, where I will be blogging about things I have been looking forward to this year, whether people, places, or things. Some have already occurred, some are currently happening, and others are yet on the way.

Some topics may be a bit generic (occurring annually), while others will be specific to 2016, so come take a look!

A to Z 2015 : THE X-FILES

A to Z 2015 : THE X-FILES

This next A to Z feature is based off of one of my favorite TV shows. Though, admittedly, towards the end I kind of fell off until the last few episodes/series finale. There are 2 movies, with a third in the talks, which is making me nostalgic to watch the series completely from start to finish. For a brief time there was even a CCG card game released, which I collected (and still own), but I never played.

Are you ready find out if the Truth is really out there? Find it before your department is shut down forever by the Syndicate in...

(An A to Z 2014 Challenge Entry)

I wonder how many people picked X-Men, X-Files, X-Ray, and/or X Marks The Spot. These were what came to me last year, as well as with the current challenge once “X” rolled around. Huh, I picked Xbox last year. Why the hell didn’t that even some to mind this time around? Anyhow, I thought, much akin to GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, I would share the trailer for an upcoming movie. One I’m actually excited for, despite my shunning the franchise after the third installment and those that followed thereafter.

Except X-Men: First Class. I have yet to see it, but I’ve heard many good things, and I need to watch it before the next installment. And before that, I have to somehow get the Ladyfolk caught up on the first trilogy. My God, the thoughts of having to watch the third movie again — a movie that almost had me walking out of the theater — makes me a little sick to my stomach. I can take one for the team, though… I think…

Yes. For the return of director Bryan Singer (the original director of the first two X-Men movies), I can. I will stomach it, and who knows, maybe after a second viewing I will come to like it a tad bit better…

*Blank stare*

Yeah, no.

The fact that they are bringing back all the characters/actors from the original franchise and X-Men: First Class, makes this one hell of an ambitious project. I’m assuming, given the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the bigwigs realize they best step it up instead of pumping out shlock and given directing gigs to hacks. No offense to Brett Ratner (director of X-Men: The Last Stand), I really did enjoy the first Rush Hour. And maaaaaybe the first sequel a little bit. What can I say? I’m a Jackie Chan fan! But I seriously couldn’t stand that third film. I realize it likely wasn’t all his doing, there are many parts of the machine, but his name is what stands out.

I’d like to think Singer is back to put everything back on track, blending together what’s been vomited up, with the artistic hands of someone who is passionate about their work, and love of the material. Then again, I think I’ve heard his adaptations are pretty far off from the source material (from which there are many, given the reboots and revamps superheroes receive in the world of comic books), so fuck it. Whatever. Judge for yourself. I think this trailer look amazing, as I mentioned back in XVI | TRAILER TUESDAY | XVI.

Are you a fan of the X-Men? Did you/do you read the comics? What are your thoughts on the movie adaptations? What about the spin-offs, or whatever the hell they were (mainly focusing on Wolverine)? Are you excited to see X-Men: Days of Future Past?