Letter Y



This year for the A to Z Challenge 2017 I'm trying something completely different... vlogging! That's right, I'll be putting myself out there on YouTube, talking about who knows what for who knows how long! Come join in the conversation as I talk about a variety of topics throughout April.

Let the rambling begin!

A to Z 2016 : YOUTUBE

A to Z 2016 : YOUTUBE

Welcome to the 2016 A to Z Challenge on I, Jak! This year's theme is 2016 Highlights, where I will be blogging about things I have been looking forward to this year, whether people, places, or things. Some have already occurred, some are currently happening, and others are yet on the way.

Some topics may be a bit generic (occurring annually), while others will be specific to 2016, so come take a look!

(An A to Z 2014 Challenge Entry)

Finally a post that won’t take me the entire day it’s due on, cutting it close to the Midnight mark. This is a post I’ve had semi-drafted up since about Day 3 of the challenge. I was blog hopping back then, exploring random, new blogs I’d never read before, and one individual was posting music videos. One of those videos featured the song her and her boyfriend/fiance/husband/I don’t freaking remember considered their song. I can’t recall what it was, but I offered up what I thought the Ladyfolk would consider our song. It was between two, but I myself consider this one to be said song:

“You and I” by Ingrid Michaelson.

I’ve been trying to avoid playing the song, or even humming it, for weeks now. The Ladyfolk says she didn’t know what her final topics for the challenge would be. When she said that she finally thought she figured out her “Y” post, I just knew intuitively there was the high probability it would be the same as mine. So, she is passed out on the couch and I just placed up my “X” post hours ago, but I think I can get the drop on her.

Oh My Nuts. She woke up, because while I was writing my post I was also attempting to blog hop. I wanted to catch up some and was reading a blog post about Jeff Buckley and the music ended up being a bit too loud. So I went to tuck her in with intentions of finishing up before going to bed. But it was a trap. Her cuddles and back scratches put me to sleep!

Damn you, Jessica and Jeff Buckley (but not really)! I shall have my revenge (yes, really)! Because I just saw the email notification that the Ladyfolk did indeed pick “You and I” as her challenge topic today. I want to peek at what she posted, specifically the subject matter beyond the song, but I’m way back on “P” for her blog… yeah… so none ya’ll can complain. GAH! Stupid cuddles...

Ah, well. You win some, you lose some. At least I still got posted before Noon!

Do you and your significant other have a song you consider yours? If so, which? Are you an Ingrid Michaelson fan?