Video Games

Extra Life Game Day 2021

Extra Life Game Day 2021

Extra Life Game Day 2021 has arrived! It’s Year 8 for myself and I am looking forward to once again raise money for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. Team Cryton Crusaders is ready (kind of) for the annual fundraising event involving a 24-Hour Gaming Marathon! I kept last year’s fun, but likely impossible Milestone to reach!

Learn more about the challenge where my team and I play games and heal kids!

Extra Life Game Day 2020

Extra Life Game Day 2020

Extra Life Game Day 2020 is here and Team Cryton Crusaders is ready for the annual fundraising event involving a 24-Hour Gaming Marathon! This year I added a fun, but likely impossible Milestone to reach!

Learn more about the challenge where my team and I play games and heal kids!



It’s time for Extra Life Game Day 2019, an annual fundraising event involving a 24-Hour Gaming Marathon!

Learn more about the challenge where my team and I play games and heal kids!



[Mostly] Wordless Wednesday is an I, Jak bi-weekly blog series where brevity is key! Or at least my brand of brevity... I understand that not everyone appreciates a lengthy entry!

Most people know I'm a gamer and when it comes to video games I generally stick to First Person Shooters (FPSs) like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Borderlands, etc. When Bungie, a game developer responsible for one of my all-time favorite franchises (Halo), announced their new game for release in 2014, I was psyched! However, It became one of my biggest disappointments in terms of video games. But just like that, they pulled me back into the series with its much anticipated sequel — Destiny 2!

A to Z 2017: VIDEO GAMES

A to Z 2017: VIDEO GAMES

This year for the A to Z Challenge 2017 I'm trying something completely different... vlogging! That's right, I'll be putting myself out there on YouTube, talking about who knows what for who knows how long! Come join in the conversation as I talk about a variety of topics throughout April.

Let the rambling begin!