At a birthday party, Samantha is feeling alone and excluded from the festivities. Even her best friend seems to be ignoring her. Feeling down on her luck, she happens across the opportunity for making a new best friend. One that will never abandon her.
This was a piece I entered into the String-of-10 FIVE Flash Fiction contest, which was hosted by Flash Fiction Chronicles back in 2013. The entries were restricted to 250 words or less and required the use of at least four of ten pre-chosen words within. Using the specific words was easy, but forcibly editing down to that word count was painstakingly brutal!
Also, I read that Death was a major theme when it came to Flash Fiction. Something about the ease of being able to flesh out the topic in such a short blurb. I decided to challenge myself and focus on a different topic. Needless to say, I didn't place in the contest, but I was honestly pleased with what I had eventually submitted. Hopefully you enjoy:
It’s been a long while. I briefly discuss some of this year’s shortcomings, and in doing so, find it’s just more of the same.
Then I attempt to give a more positive spin…
Extra Life Game Day 2021 has arrived! It’s Year 8 for myself and I am looking forward to once again raise money for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. Team Cryton Crusaders is ready (kind of) for the annual fundraising event involving a 24-Hour Gaming Marathon! I kept last year’s fun, but likely impossible Milestone to reach!
Learn more about the challenge where my team and I play games and heal kids!