Cadence and I doing what we do best: pretending to write! Okay, maybe that's just me... |
There were a handful of pictures I would like to share, but I prefer asking permission before placing up random pictures of people. While it is generally okay via Facebook, a blog I feel is a bit different considering it’s a lot less private. Cadence (who I met during NaNoWriMo last Nov) was online and sweet enough to allow me to use one of her and I.
Another friend I met during NaNoWriMo is featured in an upcoming documentary about Midwifery. I’ve never heard so much talk about births, babies, and placenta (and what to do with said placenta) since making the friends I have during NaNoWriMo. There is a screening of this movie on Sept. 24th and I’d love to go, but am uncertain I will be able to. I would love to support this documentary, so we will see. A few weeks ago, I asked permission to feature the trailer on my Trailer Tuesday blog series, but never got a reply, so I’m going off the reservation here, because I can't fathom how it wouldn’t be okay.
Thankfully, she found this hilarious... |
This is a friend who I barely have any contact with, and it seems that is pretty commonplace with those that have known her for even longer than I. She works a ton, is a student, and is just all around awesome. Maybe I am biased because she is a cosplayer, MtG playing artist, singer of randomness, and overall geek like myself? I dunno. This was officially my first attempt at making a meme, and I thought she was going to kill me. I’ve actually never shared this until now, though she gave me permission to months ago. I honest to God thought when I hadn’t heard a reply back after sharing it with her the first time meant she was contracting out my life.
A little song dedicated to the friends I’ve made (and almost made) throughout the years. Usually I can tell when I’m going to be (or would be) good friends with someone or a group of people. I’m not a very assertive/aggressive individual, though, and it may be unfair to others to leave the leg-work of getting together to them, but I’ve gotten better. Most of it revolves around insecurities and self-love. But, sometimes you can’t help who falls into and/or out of your life, regardless of our hopes and wishes.
Are you Thankful for your friends? Are you knowledgeable about Midwifery? Have you created any Memes? Does “We’re Going to be Friends” remind you of anyone?