-NaNoWriMo Hiatus-
Main logo. |
June was the last time I posted an Interlude, and this seems as fitting a place as any. Over the course of a year, I’ve written many blog posts and a smidgen of fiction. I have done more writing this past year than I have in the twelve previous. This was all thanks, in part, to NaNoWriMo — a nationally sponsored event that encourages writers, old and new, to take up arms together and face the challenge of writing 50k words (novel) over the course of 30 days every November. I gave thanks to this challenge many times, especially throughout my earlier posts, and I will forever be grateful.
Well, it's November and NaNoWriMo is upon us (me?) again...
NaNoWriMo was more than just a writing experience — though a major one it was — acting as an outlet for me to meet other individuals who loved to write, create, and share similar interests. Over time, I made some really great friends, the contact with which extended beyond November and hopefully are maintained on a lifetime basis. I understand sometimes these relationships are short-lived and sputter — some already have — but the overall experience of those people was (and is) a very real and very important one.
I thought this year I would be better prepared, and have repeat luck in the connections with new friends. I don’t see my original NaNo group nearly a much as in those first months after the challenge ended, but I know they are out there, and I’ll likely see them again during this year's events/write-ins. As it is, I’m at a different place [in life] than I was last year. Having no car is going to make traveling to events a lot harder. I’m not yet comfortable with public transportation, so I will have to rely on others for rides, which I dislike asking for. I will try, though.
I’ve already missed the Kick-Off event, though I had a ride, due to a mixture of other factors. The venue being the biggest. It was sad to miss out on meeting so many new people, but having to spend X amount of money to attend the event after having already spent an evening out with the Ladyfolk wasn’t very appealing to me. I’m a starving artist!
Logo/promo from days of yore... |
There was the belief that I would have a sound writing plan for this year’s novel selection, but that plan never developed. I was left stressing over what exactly I would write. I still am, but at least I now have a gentle grasp on various options. In fact, I think I am straying from the standard “novel” goal and dabbling in multiple projects. These include Blog Entries, Movie Reviews, Short Stories, and even some Novel Projects. This is because NaNoWriMo has always been more about writing for me than it has been about finishing a novel.
If I can get the words to flow, I will be happy. Whether I hit the 50k mark again or not.
I’m hoping by focusing on writing Blog Entries I can finally get back to my “roots” so to speak, focusing on topics of a more personal nature. This was the original intent for The Cryton Chronicles, and while I understand things change, it’s an aspect that is important to me that I want to maintain. Some heart-pounding, mind-altering future blog titles include: “Every Day is Exactly the Same”, “Of Friends and Lovers”, “Buried by the Sound”, and the most notoriously avoided blog post — deftly escaping creation since the A to Z challenge — “The Wolf”. Aren’t you just amped up with excitement and anticipation?! I bet…
This years logo/promo... I can dig it. |
So, tonight is the Count Down to Midnight event, and I’ve been internally struggling whether I should attend or not. If I should bother attending any write-ins this year, or if I should attempt to just focus doing it all from home. These are emotional insecurities influencing in a negative fashion, but sometimes I feel there is some stock to even those… or maybe that is what they want you to believe? I should probably give it a go, because I already skipped the Kick-Off, which I was originally excited for up until ten minutes prior.
Oh fickle emotions… Better buck up. As I said, November is here and once more into the fray we go…
A poem from The Grey. |
This means my weekly entries may be put on hold, as I focus the majority of my attention towards those elusive 50k words. This includes the lovely 10 Things of Thankful blog hop. We will see what I can muster in the following weeks. It’s bound to get a bit neurotic. In the meantime my biggest worry will be whether to nap or not before Midnight chimes in the chaos.
Until NaNoWriMo concludes, I will do my best to keep this in the back of my mind:
I'll try... I'll try... |
Have you heard of and/or participated in NaNoWriMo? Are you participating in the 2013 Challenge/Event? If so, and you use their site, feel free to friend me: Jak Cryton. Didn’t see that one coming, did you?