It’s finally here! The 50th TToT post has arrived! Not only that, but amidst a 2 week holiday break, there were some Renegade posters. So not only does this weekend mark the big 5-0, but also the 1st Year Anniversary! Birthday. Whatever… I remember my very first post TRAMPLED BY THANKFULNESS as though it were just yesteryear...

Holy crap, that is some craziness right there, no? For an entire year, many of you (I took a few months hiatus) took to the challenge of berating your mind in hopes of coming up with a short list of ten things that you were Thankful for during the week.

For some, it hasn’t been too difficult, but I’d guess the majority ran into some hiccups along the way. Whether you are new or an old-timer (Christine) to the 10 Things of Thankful (TToT) Blog Hop, congratulations to everyone who has participated over the past year! It’s such a great thing, and as many have found, over time a community/family developed. I feel that is the most important part. The best part. Aside from actually being Thankful.

Is everyone gone now? How did that look? Pretty convincing? Because aside from all the above (which is all heartfelt and true and rainbows and lolli-fucken-pops), I was almost dead set on not participating. I have no idea what’s been going on, but I’ve been off lately. Wonky or whatever. I started off extremely excited and had plans for a cake display and everything. Then today (Sunday) hit and I just wasn’t feeling it.

Finally, two hours before the Midnight mark, I rebounded ever so slightly and am making my attempt at sharing what I’ve been Thankful for over the past week. There was actually quite a bit, so don’t go thinking I had an incredibly shitty week. Definitely not the case. Today was just a hell of a mopey day.

I’m not going to lie, I wanted to list 50 things, but there is no way I would finish on time. I likely won’t with just 10, so there is the chance I will be utilizing my infamous A to Z Challenge “Coming Soon” placeholder cheat.*

And hopefully I remember to add my post to the link-up, which I had forgot to do last weekend.

  1. First (not Frist!), it seems only appropriate to Thank Lizzi for coming up with this blog hop!It’s been so long, but I believe it was an idea inspired by her own personal challenge, which she then adapted into a weekly blog hop. I’m sure it went along the lines of: Wow this is a bitch to do sometimes… I wonder if I can get others to endure the same. Misery loves company, amirite?! Then: I bet I can sucker some unsuspecting individuals of the Blogosphere to be my personal blog hop slaves. I shall call them Co-Hosts! Muahahahahahahahaha! Pretty sure that’s about spot on… Anyhow, Thanks Lizzi! Thanks for MAKING me have to Feel Thankful when all I want to do is Feel Shitty! So Rude! GOSH! <3 But seriously, Thanks.
  2. I’m Thankful that I have been able to participate in this blog hop for nearly all of it’s entirety. I had one catch up post during the A to Z Challenge 2014 (okay... okay... and more throughout the year…), but somehow I’ve been moderately consistent. I couldn’t have done it without the support of friends and family! The people met during the past year are all amazing in their own right and I’m very lucky to have met them.
  3. So therefore, I’m Thankful for all of you! You know who you are (Why yes, yes I am pulling a Dyanne, now piss off!), I would hate to attempt listing everyone and accidentally leaving someone out. I still remember how Sad Panda I was when Lizzi did that to me… I got my revenge by being one of the first (not frist!) to post a comment on said entry! Muahahahaha! It’s the little things in life...
  4. That it only took up to Clark’s entry on Lizzi’s 50th/Frist Birthday post for me to realize that the comments in parentheses followed by “-L]” actually meant it was Lizzi, and that she was making commentary on their contributions. I have no freaking idea why it took me that long, but I honestly thought they were some odd attempts at a smiley face/emoticon that I was completely unfamiliar with, that was afflicted with some sort of disease. Maybe I blocked out that first bracket each time? It’s embarrassing to admit, but you know, whatever. I finally got it, though! Just… don’t ask. Or talk about it. Ever.
  5. I’m Thankful that while I have had some apparent deep-rooted issue with “frist” from the very first moment I encountered it via comments on Christine’s blog, that I don’t let it completely ruin my day. I do, however, actually make active notes in my drafts like such:
  1. I was able attend the Ladyolk’s niece’s gymnastics event/show. It was full of lil tykes — mostly — having a blast, as they showed their parents and audience all the skills they have learned throughout the class. Her niece was adorable. She would always catch herself if making a mistake, like forgetting a specific stance, and had some awesome dismount abilities! I hope she continues to take gymnastic classes. It would be great to see how far along she advances throughout the years. I got a few pictures, but I’m not ever fully comfortable with using pictures (or names for that matter) of people without direct consent. And hell, not even fully then. I will leave that up to the Ladyfolk!
  2. The Ladyfolk and I made a purchase together for a little piece of equipment that may, or may not, assist in our art endeavors. It’s been something I’ve wanted for well over a year now, but haven’t ever pulled the trigger on it. Having someone go halfsies definitely makes it easier. Hopefully I will actually use it, unlike the still new and unused webcam and microphone I bought last year.
  3. Seeing Godzilla in 3D! It was a really good movie. A bit different than I expected, but it was on a positive note. I really liked the direction that was taken in unfolding the storyline. I’d recommend seeing it. As for 3D? Possible take it or leave it. I enjoyed it a lot, but I swear that the trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction had a million times more “in your face” 3D action than in the entire two hour run of Godzilla!
  4. I’m Thankful that the Ladyfolk’s car, which decided to take it’s own joyride, didn’t hit and/or kill any pedestrians, and/or maim any cats or squirrels! We are bringing it into the shop tomorrow to find out what’s going on, and I hoping it’s an easy/cheap fix, but you know how that goes. Mechanics. Pfft. Thieves! I really hope they can figure out what happened. I mean, cars should just randomly roll backwards when parked on a slight incline, right? Never happened before, and she parks there all the time. I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t happen…
  5. Truly Thankful for the Ladyfolk! She is always there for me when feeling down, wonky, or whatever. She is a bit hard on herself if she isn’t able to directly help in some fashion. She takes “help” to mean “fix” I think, but sometimes that’s not possible. All the help that is sometimes needed is for someone to be there in times of need. Today was one of those times. Thank you, love!

And a bonus Thankful for Thankfulness! Without it, the world would be an even darker, scarier, shittier place to live in.

Oh right, Cake:

Why yes, that is a Cheez-It 50 and a cookie Heart, Thanks for noticing!

Yep, pretty much 80% of that cake has already fallen victim. I had to work with what I had. We, technically. Though, if any artist displays a similar masterpiece, they are clearly a thief of my genius! We will see if I can't feature my original cake idea this upcoming Wednesday.

*Nope! Made it! Kind of...

Feel free to leave your Thankful List in the comments below, if you aren’t participating directly with the blog hop! How long have you been participating in the 10 Things of Thankful blog hop? Did you do anything special for the 50th/1 Year Anniversary?

HAPPY FRIST *shivers coldly* BIRTHDAY TToT!