Unfortunately, I wasn't able to borrow this next game from a friend so that I could get some pictures taken. I'm going to use some I found on Boardgamegeek, until I can get my own.
It's yet to be released in the US, but I've played the Polish version, and thought it was really fun. And surprisingly challenging. It's heralded as being a cross between Dixit and Clue, and I suppose the comparisons fit. Let's take a quick look into the world of...
In Mysterium players take on the roles of paranormal investigators/psychics. They have been invited to a house that is currently haunted by the previous owner who had been sentenced to death for a crime — you are lead to believe — they didn't commit. In an attempt to find peace in the afterlife, the spirit of this individual tries to communicate through dreams, which the investigators have to interpret.
One player is chosen to be the Spirit. This player eventually selects an Item, Locations, and Suspect card for each player. These cards will represent what the ghost is attempting to decipher for each individual investigator, and is generally the order players will put together the pieces of their case (though our playgroup allowed each player to select which of the three pieces they wanted to solve in any given round).
The other players will take the colored markers that match the investigator they chose. The Spirit then gets the second matching colored markers representing the investigators.
Some Item cards...
Some Location cards...
Some Suspect/Character cards...
A number of cards from each category (dictated by the number of players and difficulty level chosen) are arranged much like how is presented above. Items on top, Locations below those, followed by the Suspect/Character cards (though, more organized like the others in the first two pics) at the bottom.
The Spirit, having at his disposal matching Item/Location/Character decks, finds the same cards that have been placed in the play area. From those, they then select one of each category for every investigator, making a pile for each (which the Spirit can look at secretly whenever desired, but not swap), and places the markers on top of them to remember which case belongs to which investigator. The rest of the cards are set aside. All of them are kept hidden from the other players. The Spirit draws the first 6 cards from the Dream Deck and the first round is ready to begin!
Some Dream cards...
Let's assume all of the players are attempting to identify the Item from their case as indicated in the rules. The Spirit will give a number of Dream Cards to each investigator that they feel will help aid the player in deciphering that piece of their case. Once cards are given to an investigator, the Spirit draws back up to 6, as they should always have 6 cards to chose from per investigator.
As soon as a player receives their Dream card(s) they can begin attempting to decipher which Item the clue points towards.
NOTE: All Investigators can discuss and help one another. This is a fully cooperative game. If one player fails, they all fail! The Spirit, however, isn't allowed to give any verbal hints, OR non-verbal hints aside from assigning Dream cards to each case.
Players place their marker on the Item (or Location or Character card, depending on what stage they are at in their case) they think is associated with their investigation. When everyone has selected a card, the Spirit will let them know who is correct and who is not. Matching cards the Spirit possesses are revealed as investigators unlock the correct meanings of their dreams, and those cards are turned in (except for Character cards, they remain in the play area), along with the Dream cards used to aid them. If a player doesn't guess correctly, they keep their Dream cards and are able to use them, along with new ones in the coming rounds, to compare and hopefully give the investigator a better chance at solving their case.
Some colored Player Markers...
This continues for each 3 pieces of each player's investigation until all the cases are solved, or until time runs out.
Once all players have solved their cases, they will attempt to discover who the True Culprit is.
But all of this must be done within 7 rounds or the investigators lose and the Spirit shall never find peace in the Afterlife!
Full Review Forthcoming
Have you ever played Mysterium? If so, how did you like it? Have you played as the Spirit? If so, did you enjoy the role? If you haven't played it, from what you read above, does it seem like a game you would be open to trying?