The Cryton Chronicles

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A to Z 2016 : ZOOLORETTO

Well, we've come to the end to the A to Z Challenge for I, Jak. "Z" was difficult. I wanted to do Zombieland 2, but that was merely announced this year, not actually coming out. Plus I used "Zombie" for another blog's A to Z entry.

Then I remembered a board game I had that I haven't played yet. Zooloretto: The Dice Game. I received this in a bundle purchase of board games from a friend. The basis of the game is to build a zoo. To do this you roll dice, which display various animals, and collect the right amount of each to optimize points. I read the rules a while back, but would definitely need a refresher. It seems like a fun, light family game. When bringing it out to game nights so far, though, other games were selected and it just sat in the bag.

BUT now that it's 2016, and it's a "Z" game published by Z-Man Games (crap I prob could have found a game being published this year by them, dammit!), how could I pass that opportunity! I'm SO excited to finally play this game this year! But really, dice chucking and animals, sounds like some decent family fun. Also, this was a fitting entry because it was officially International TableTop Day!

And that's how we wrap this up...

Have you ever played Zooloretta: The Dice Game? If so, what did you think of it? Have you ever played a game from Z-Man Games? Any favorites from the publisher?