Letter V

A to Z 2017: VIDEO GAMES

A to Z 2017: VIDEO GAMES

This year for the A to Z Challenge 2017 I'm trying something completely different... vlogging! That's right, I'll be putting myself out there on YouTube, talking about who knows what for who knows how long! Come join in the conversation as I talk about a variety of topics throughout April.

Let the rambling begin!



Welcome to the 2016 A to Z Challenge on I, Jak! This year's theme is 2016 Highlights, where I will be blogging about things I have been looking forward to this year, whether people, places, or things. Some have already occurred, some are currently happening, and others are yet on the way.

Some topics may be a bit generic (occurring annually), while others will be specific to 2016, so come take a look!

A to Z 2015 : VENTURE

A to Z 2015 : VENTURE

Next up is a game about Big Business. It's not overly complicated, though the scoring kind of confused me, to be honest, but there is a lot of direct player interaction of a nature that may not be for everyone. Let's find out.

Ubongo has come and gone, and it's time to move on to our next...

(An A to Z 2014 Challenge Entry)

After much deliberation, I thought I had finally decided what I would do for my “V” post. I was close. So close. But I chickened out. I was going to make a video to share, but I just didn’t feel completely comfortable with doing so. The Ten Things of Thankful crew would sometimes invite me to video chat. The Ladyfolk and I would be out and about exploring the city, which means usually eating. It was fun, but the invites became less frequent — and I began to lose interest — until eventually stopping altogether. I generally didn’t talk much, and I think I interfered with whatever conversations were actively being engaged, more than anything.


It was a nice ice-breaker for me, as I’m not prone to feeling very videogenic. Huh, that word didn’t flag? It’s real?! Anyway, I thought it was a good stepping stone for me to begin Vlogging. I’ve had my camera for well over six months now (as well as my new mic for podcasting). I’m sure I could even find the post where I enthusiastically talked about the purchase. I just am too gun-shy. I hope to overcome that lack of confidence really soon. New models of my purchases are likely already hitting the shelves and that drives me nuts!

So, what’s all this have to do with video games? Nothing. These were just thoughts that filled my mind as I sat down to write this post. A post intended to highlight a song that my Ladyfolk exposed me to, which I immediately loved. The artist, Lana Del Rey, has an amazing voice. I have found her to be extremely passionate in all aspects of her work, which I highly respect and admire. She even produced a short independent film (which I have yet to watch, waiting for the Ladyfolk) involving her music.

If having a moment or five, won’t you check out her song “Video Games”?

Have you ever participated in video chats? Do you enjoy them? Do you Vlog or Podcast? If so, any tips or warnings for someone aspiring to partake? What did you think of the music video? I highly recommend checking out more of her work!