In the previous installment, I put together a quiz with specific questions that were related to a phenomenon known as The Mandela Effect. Today we take a closer look at one of the most logical, and I believe strongest, reasonable explanations being offered as a counter-argument to these memory discrepancies:
Our fickle memories.
It’s been a long while. I briefly discuss some of this year’s shortcomings, and in doing so, find it’s just more of the same.
Then I attempt to give a more positive spin…
Extra Life Game Day 2021 has arrived! It’s Year 8 for myself and I am looking forward to once again raise money for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. Team Cryton Crusaders is ready (kind of) for the annual fundraising event involving a 24-Hour Gaming Marathon! I kept last year’s fun, but likely impossible Milestone to reach!
Learn more about the challenge where my team and I play games and heal kids!