The Cryton Chronicles

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Two weekends ago Extra Life hosted their Extra Life Tabletop Weekend event, which brought gamers together to play board games and raise some money for children. While Extra Life is based on playing games and healing kids, I've always felt the primary focus was video games. This may be a misconception, but either way, I love that the organization has been fully embracing the board game resurgence!

I thought I would share some of the pictures from the weekend as friends and I played a handful of games, tried to raise some funds, and gained an awesome new teammate to the Cryton Crusaders!

Our major game for the weekend was Pandemic Legacy. Given the spoiler nature of the game, I only took a picture of the first session. We are about four or five games in and things are starting to get crazy...

We also snuck in a game of Word Domination and Ascension over the weekend:

The 24 Hour Gaming Marathon "Main Event" is a month away, Nov. 4th and I'm hoping for the Cryton Crusaders to hit our $1000 goal, even if I don't happen to make my own. I've been hesitant promoting too much, with so much tragedy going on in the world lately, but I'm incredibly appreciative for any donations and/or support we receive throughout the year for our cause!

If interested in donating on my behalf (all proceeds going to Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare), you can do so via my Extra Life Profile: Jak Cryton

If interested in donation on behalf of someone else with the Cryton Crusaders (or would like to join), you can do so from the team page, clicking on "roster", and choosing a member there: Cryton Crusaders

Thanks so much for all your help in advance!

Have you participated in Extra Life's fundraising? If so, did you partake in the Extra Life Tabletop Weekend event? If not, does it sound like something you'd enjoy? If you have or would like to, what games (video, card, board, or otherwise) would you love to play while raising money for children?