
This past weekend there was the wedding I spoke about in my last TToT and thought I would share some of the photos. The first two are courtesy of Dese’Rae L. Stage Photography. You can visit her site by clicking on the images. The rest are random pictures and some meme-style additions I had hoped to print out to doctor the back of their wedding card with, but ran out of time. 
I am also sharing the piece I did add to their wedding card. The one that took me hours to complete. This is likely because I am Slowplay and not the best at art programs. No, I didn't draw the piece. I just found the picture and doctored it up.
The lovely couple. The bride was beautiful. Okay, the groom was pretty handsome too. Loved his grey suit and purple tie!
As much as I like the first photo, I absolutely LOVE this one! I believe it's my favorite!
These were delicious! I only had two, but they were OM NOM NOM! I knew I should have chosen Batman for my addition to their wedding card, but I'm really happy with my choice.
Random Observer: "But he isn't even eating tacos..." Me: "Exactly!"
This and the above were two pieces I had wanted to add to the back of their wedding card. Woe is me...
The piece I added to their wedding card. It features Wolverine and Jean Grey of the X-Men and lines of the bride's favorite poem. There are multiple reasons why I felt this picture was fitting, from character themes to loose connection with the poetry lines chosen to their wedding/relationship, but I would go on and on and on and on and on...

It was a busy weekend, or at least a busy Saturday. Some friends I made during NaNoWriMo got married, so the ladyfolk and I spent the day and evening celebrating with them. I probably should have drank, given the circumstances. You only (hopefully) get married once, right? I will make up for it another night. It was a beautiful wedding on a beautiful day. Perhaps I can get permission to use some pictures on Wednesday!

Despite a friend bringing a companion who didn’t know the meaning of not giving away movie spoilers, it was a fantastic experience and there was plenty to be Thankful for…

  1. The Wedding invite. I’m incredibly Thankful I was invited to my friend's wedding. When it was all being arranged I was sent a “Save the Date” letter (still unopened), but soon after found out that cuts had to be made. This mainly surrounded costs for food, and I understood. Being I knew the couple for only a brief span of time (since last Nov) it made sense I would be placed on the chopping block. In fact, I may have even offered myself up for the chopping block, though there was mention of me being an usher for the wedding. As it turned out, cuts were reduced, and they were able to invite their full guest list and even allow +1s!
  2. The Wedding itself. As I mentioned above, it was a fantastic wedding and the ceremony itself was simple and quicker than what I imagined. The couple looked great, and there were tears and laughs shared by all!
  3. The Weather of the Wedding Day. Earlier Saturday morning I took a stroll up to Rainbow Foods for some breakfast. The sky was thick with clouds that seemed to threaten the sunny forecast I had read about just the evening before. As the day progressed, though, the clouds broke and the sun shined down. It wasn’t overbearing, but just right.
  4. Not falling asleep during the wedding and following party. I had been up the night before at 3am and just couldn’t fall back to sleep. Maybe I was overly anxious about going to the wedding even though I played no part in it’s organization. I did, however, know there would be a fair share of people I wouldn’t know. I brought a 5-hour energy drink with just in case, but never had to use it.
  5. Seeing friends. I had met the bride during NaNoWriMo and over the past few months the NaNo group we all built began to dwindle in attendance at our chosen hangout locations. Many times I’d end up being the only one present. Almost all of them were at the wedding and I was very happy to see them.
    Forgot to post this in my last [Mostly] Wordless Wednesday post
  6. Kate. I was thrilled to be able to finally introduce my girlfriend to this group of friends, and they seemed equally as thrilled to make her acquaintance.
  7. New clothing. I am way way behind on buying new clothes. I always have an excuse, the biggest being: I’m working out and will just need to buy new ones again. Yeah, still wearing the same sizes. I wear things until they are literally falling apart. The wedding offered me a reason to buy some new duds. I was able to pick up a nice pair of pants and a dressier shirt, as well as two simple t-shirts. All of them were on sale for half-off! I even bought a belt. My old one was being held together by literally two or three remaining strands at one section…
  8. My wedding gift. This may sound odd, and it wasn’t anything much more than a card really, but I will try to explain. Since buying my grandparent's 25th Anniversary card, and then adding to it, made me want to be a bit more creative with the wedding card. I wasn’t able to buy an extravagant gift, but I’d like to think the “thought that counts” and effort is very visible in my choices. The project itself caused some serious stress as I tried to figure out how to get it just right. I hope to share it this Wednesday as well.
  9. A great week. Stepping away from the wedding listing, this week, in general, was relaxing (when not stressing about the wedding — so much for stepping away...) and I was able to get in plenty of time with my girlfriend. More good foods and fun times together. She was a real trooper this weekend taking on the task of meeting my friends. Unfortunately for her, there are still many more to go…
  10. Random things that get me to be creative. The wedding and inspiration to create additional offerings for the card is one example. A Blog post resulting in the comment I left is another. My sense of humor is usually an acquired taste, but I feel I have my moments. If nothing else, I made myself laugh and did so at no one else’s expense. You can’t beat that!

Feel free to leave your Thankful List in the comments below, if you aren’t participating directly with the blog hop!