
A to Z 2015 : EVIL APPLES

A to Z 2015 : EVIL APPLES

"E" was another tough one for me. I, once again, had a few options — Elder Sign and Eldritch Horror — but one I've never played (though I own it...) and the other I only played the last half of one game for someone who had to leave. Eldritch Horror was fun, from what I played, but I don't feel I know enough about it. Even for a light overview.

This may be viewed as a "cheat" post, but it is what it is. When I wrote about Cards Against Humanity a few days ago, though, I mentioned it possibly having an app, which reminded me of a CAH knockoff app available for both iOS and Android platforms. Time to shift away from the family friendliness of Dixit and once again delve into the realm of sick, twisted depravity...

A to Z 2015 : DIXIT

A to Z 2015 : DIXIT

Well, today has been a real shitstorm on multiple fronts. Hopefully I get this in before Midnight, or I will be using one of my infamous "Coming Soon" placeholders. While today I could likely write a novel about my experiences with Diabetes, that wouldn't make for a very fun game.

So instead, let's down shift from the last post's adult theme and kick it into family friendly territory again, shall we?



For the past few days I've been worried about what I would write about when it came to the Letter C. I have a handful of games like Caribbean and Cyrano, but I haven't played either of them.

Then I remembered a party game and berated myself for not thinking of it to begin with. This is a short and sweet entry as we take a quick look at the "Adult" version of Apples to Apples...