(An A to Z 2013 Challenge Entry)
*SPOILER ALERT: There is a Season 1 : Episode 1 Game of Thrones spoiler within. I couldn't find a way to make a Spoiler Button, so if yet to either read the first book or watch the first season, be warned!*
I’ve spoken about the two most recent fiction projects I’m attempting
to tackle; one an adult-focused gritty sci-fi/post-apocalyptic story,
the other a fantasy/adventure fanfict.
moving on to another fantasy/adventure project in the works, I thought
we would go to a lighter, fluffier place. Cute, playful, and...
am I kidding? Today’s subject is a dark and vile thing. Darkness and
terror lurks within. Within the inner workings of Jed’s most deadly
The Belly of the Beast
...Crookshanks, or Crooks for short.
he is, in all his self-proclaimed splendor! Taking over whatever piece
of property he deems fit. Fit? Pffft. I guess one of those earlier
descriptions was accurate: fluffy. Except he isn’t fluffy, he’s
downright fat! He doesn’t allow me to call him that, though. He finds it
insulting, so I call him robust or rotund. For some reason he’s okay
with this, either being unfamiliar with the word, or... yeah... just
stupid. He doesn’t allow stupid either, though. He prefers Obtuse.
Did I mention he is a cow cat? Befitting...
Me: “Crooks, you’re so damned rotund... you need to go on a diet. You can’t even lick your balls anymore!”
Crooks: “Neither can you, Dipnugget.”
Me: … … “Touché...”
Yeah, he is rude and vulgar.
was birthed from hellspawn itself. His mother was one disturbed,
extremely OCD-bound whack job of a cat. I should have known from the
beginning to stay away. He played the “adorable” card, though, and I’ve a
bleeding heart. So I took him in, along with his sister.
lot of people assume I named him Crookshanks based on Harry Potter.
That would make sense, especially being I am a fan of the movies (though
I’ve only seen up to the 6th and yet to read the books...), but they’re
mistaken. He gets his name from the fact that his tail has a kink in
it. At first I thought it had been stepped on or slammed in a door, but
it wasn’t. It’s natural, a birth defect.
Crookshanks was born! I think it was at conception that Jed got to
him... I’ve yet to uncover any definitive proof of this. If he’s going
to kill me, he’s taking his sweet time. Luckily I have no staircases he
can trip me down. I‘m slightly concerned he will eventually go all
“urban legend” on me and suck my breath away while I’m sleeping — or
would that be an “Old Wives Tale”? Either way, he does have a nightly ritual he follows when I go to bed.
it stands, I don’t sleep a whole hell of a lot, and his kinked tail
seems to render him incapable of any major feat of physical prowess.
Poor little sneaky, deceitful bastard. I should have known there was
evil in him when he kept trying to sleep with his sister... I mean, who
does that? Seriously?
Uh... I can explain... |
A Cat’s Tale Tail or A Cat’s Tail Tale
know one of those were chosen to be the title of this book (but now
both look plausible); the book I am being forced to write, by Crooks,
against my will. He demanded I write a children’s book starring himself
as the leading character. The terms were quite simple: No depictions of
him in a negative/evil light, no use of the words fat or stupid, and he
receives 100% royalties. He plans to use the book to promote a false
sense of lovability and comfort around the world. A world which I have
come to believe he wishes to one day dominate.
going along with his devious plot, if for no other reason than
survival. He can have his wickedly deceptive, embellished, cartoony
“memoir” of his liking. The world may become fooled by his cutesy antics
and his cow-like pallet of fur, but I know the truth. I know what his
true intentions are. In time, I will bring that truth to light, and his
reign of terror will remain nothing more than a catnip pipe dream in his
Crooks & I
was (is?) to be a video series of our interactions. Crooks isn’t very
technology savvy, and so I thought I would use this to my advantage.
Unbeknownst to him, I plan to document how he treats me and reveal to
the world his true nature. All the vulgarity, evil, and abusive brutality I must endure; always being trapped under his paw of oppression.
would be vastly different than the children’s book I’ve been tasked to
write. Very much an “R” rated presentation of his (our) life. With the
magic of the interwebs I should be able to make the documentations
easily accessible to the world. Eventually he would be stopped.
can’t jump the gun, though. While his ideas may be extreme and lofty,
he is but a kitten in a dog park. Or maybe... a petting zoo... because
something more sinister, watching from the shadows, is pulling the
strings. The mountain goat Jedidiah. dun Dun DUN! I know this with all
my being, and through Crooks I will destroy my arch nemesis!
let’s just wait and see what transpires. I’m patient and have a
decently high tolerance threshold for sacrificing my needs when it comes
to uncovering truth and delivering justice.
Hmm... A Cat’s Tale Tail or A Cat’s Tail
Tale? Any authors (or aspiring authors) of children books out there?
How big of a challenge do you think it would be to publish both children
books and adult fiction? Have any pets that you think are plotting to
kill you?
It’s been a long while. I briefly discuss some of this year’s shortcomings, and in doing so, find it’s just more of the same.
Then I attempt to give a more positive spin…
Extra Life Game Day 2021 has arrived! It’s Year 8 for myself and I am looking forward to once again raise money for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. Team Cryton Crusaders is ready (kind of) for the annual fundraising event involving a 24-Hour Gaming Marathon! I kept last year’s fun, but likely impossible Milestone to reach!
Learn more about the challenge where my team and I play games and heal kids!